We had to treat her for fleas and ear mites but we've promised her a lifetime of pampering and adoration to compensate her for her suffering.
Alas, Buffy the Mouse Slayer isn't quite as enamored of her new sibling as we are! She's hissed at her once and spent most of the day lurking outside of the bathroom looking horrified. But we have high hopes for a harmonious future! :)
Isn't she just the cutest thing? I think you picked the purrrrfect name for your new little kitty ;-) All things named Samantha are cute and cuddly!
I know you are going to spoil her rotten, what a lucky little kitty!
Too funny, Samantha! She came already named and since I have a heroine named Samantha in YOURS UNTIL DAWN plus we really like the character of Samantha Taggart on STARGATE: SG1, we decided it was a keeper. Not to mention the one and only BEWITCHED Samantha! (I dedicated BREATH OF MAGIC to Elizabeth Montgomery.)
Teresa, what an adorable kitten. Congratulations!!
Oh my goodness she is way too cute!! How are you going to get anything done? You’re going to want to spend all of your time playing with your new kitty. It took all of my will power not to get a new kitty a few weeks back because I don’t have the time for a new kitty and knew it wouldn’t be fair to her. Oh well maybe when my son gets older and can play with the pets more I can get another one. Well congratulations on your new family member.
Thanks Dorothy!
And yes, leann, today my schedule has been 1) run upstairs to write a few sentences 2) pop into downstairs bathroom to cuddle kitty.
I figure she needs some "downtime" after her stressful visit to the vet this morning so that's helping.
Awww...congratulations on your beautiful new little fur baby! I love that she has a little kitten of her own in her basket. :-) I'll keep my fingers crossed Samantha and Buffy become great friends as soon as possible!
Awwwwwwwwwww. . . I'm trying to show my little cuddly cubby old lady of a kitty cat the picture, but she's not budging. I sure wish I could sleep as much as they do! LOL :)
awwww! How cute!
Teresa--I am totally shocked. I was sure you'd bring home at least 2 kittens. ;)
She's beautiful. You just want to cuddle her close and take a nap in a hammock.
Samantha couldn't have come at a better time! Enjoy that little cutie!
Oooo She's so beautiful, I love her coloring and those eyes, wow. Congrats on the new kitty.
You have a very beautiful cat! Her eyes are so pretty. As soon as I read her name I was thinking of Breath of Magic. lol She was destined for you!
On a different note, I'm so glad you've blogged again! :) I check every day. Which blog are you posting at tomorrow? I know you have a date, but can't remember which blog it is! Thanks.
Samantha is absolutely precious! Have fun cuddling your newest addition.
Oh, a long-haired calico! How gorgeous she is! I'd have a hard time putting the cuddly little pudd'n down. She'll have a charmed life, I'm sure. :)
How cute! That's so sweet. Congrats on your new friend.
Oh, she's so adorable, my chest hurts.
Would that I could bury my face under that little chin...
She is just way too adorable!!! Congratulations on your brand new fur-baby!
Samantha is sooo cute. Congrats on your new baby.I love calico kittys and have owned three through the years. I hope Buffy warms up to her real soon.
I was SO tempted to bring home two kittens but I really wanted Samantha to bond with us and with Buffy. Plus we might wait a year or so and decide we want another one. I know from experience that if you get them all at the same time, they all tend to get old and die around the same time, which is kind of depressing.
And once I saw those enormous fleas all over that poor baby, I was so glad I only got one :( But she's now flea-free! :)
J Perry, it amazes me how I can look at this tiny furry little critter lying on her back in my lap and purring up a storm and feel so drunk with love for her when I didn't even know her two days ago.
I'm genuinely curious. Is that what it's like when you have a baby?
Hey twolilhahas,
I'm blogging over at http://thegoddessblogs.com/
today and you'll never guess what I blogged about.
That's right--I'm a little obsessed right now.
But I told my husband that kitties must be very inspiring because I wrote almost 11 pages yesterday! Maybe I should have gotten a whole litter of them ;)
Hi Theresa, she is so cute. A few years I had a Siamese cat. Any strangers that came into the house he would give them a fierce look. When we decided to get a puppy we were kind of nervous because of cats and dogs usually don’t get along. When we brought the puppy to the house and introduce them to each other, Keiry attacked Sam (puppy). We had to pry Keiry off of Sam. For weeks he was scared of the Keiry, but as time went on Keiry tolerated Sam where he would not try to scare the dog. They were never friends but they learned to live together. I know that your two will get along also.
Melinda J.
She's spent the day outside the bathroom looking horrified? But Terri, you don't look that bad without make-up. Really.
Samantha , by the way, is adorable.
Did somebody hear an aimless buzzing in here? Okay, who let Connie in the back door??? ;)
Teresa, that's exactly how it is when you have a baby. I never planned on having kids, and then one day I was having one. Oops! I was sick the entire pregnancy, 9 months of total misery. I didn't think I'd even like the little squirmin' monkey that had moved in and taken over my body. And then she cried, a tiny little 5 lb. baby cry, and I fell hard. Within the first hour of having her, I was drunk with love. Love is an amazing thing.
Well, I'm obviously not up on all this blogger stuff. LOL See, "brandy" and "twolilhahas" are both me. I want my "twolilhahas" to be the display but then it comes up with "brandy" and I don't even know where that came from! So confusing.
Ok, sorry, but I'm going to post one more time to see if I may have actually got it to say the right thing. Just ignore me. Thanks.
Hey, Teresa, it's Pam. We met in Birmingham a while back. I'm the one who wrote Tiger,tiger in the Avon novella. Didn't you just love the hotel surrounded by a mall? Your new baby is too cute for words!! She has the most precious face and very wide open eyes, the kind that say "Let me get my bearings and then this house is my jungle to explore!" My two neutered males were highly insulted when I brought little Rebecca home two years ago. My senior Great Dane, Glory, however, fell in love at first sight. Anytime the boys got too nasty with Rebecca she ran to Glory and the contest was over in a second. We lost Glory to bone cancer on December 24th and Rebecca did not eat for a week. Fortunately my chihuahua puppy refused to let her stay sad for long and they have been best buddies ever since. I was so glad to find your blog as I was going through Squawk withdrawal! Samantha, sweetie, you have hit the mother lode with your new home.
Well, Brandy as long as YOU know who you are, I think that's all that matters :) And thank you for answering that question about having a baby! What a tender image!
And hey Pamela! Of course I remember you and TIGER, TIGER from the Avon FanLit event. And yes, the Birmingham RWA chapter has it all going on because what better way to attract writers to a hotel than to attach it to a giant mall. It was so cool to walk out of the hotel lobby and directly into the mall. That was my kind of event! :)
How precious! She is little charmer. Enjoy the antics of a kitten!
I'm so happy for you! Your previous post had me in tears. My kitty just ran away, never to be seen again...
Hi Teresa! What an adorable kitty!! Where did you get her cause I want one! lol But I think the cats I have already would disown me. lol
I was also at the Birmingham Luncheon last year:)
She's utterly adorable!
(Eloisa James)
Hey Anonymous Eloisa! I'm so glad you could drop by :)
And lacey kaye, I'm SO sorry about your kitty! I have nightmares where I lose mine in parking lots, etc.
Teresa is she is a doll! I wish you a lifetime of joy with her and hopefully Buffy will take up with her soon enough.
That sudden swell in your chest every time you look at her and smile, that's exactly what new parents feel! Of course as she gets a bit older and enters the "kill everything" mode..that sudden wish to put her in the bathroom, that's also a parent's feeling too hehe.
After reading your last post, it's hard to say goodbye and know when the right time to bring in a new family member, but sometimes they come to you! I wish you lots of wonderful times with your new family member. Just remind Buffy that she's now the big sister and needs to love the baby and can't drowned her in the bathtub..oh wait, that's what my mom said about my sister hehe.
Have a great day, which I'm sure you will!
Lacey, sorry to hear about your baby! Hopefully she'll come home where she belongs.
Oh, what a beautiful little lady Samantha is! Enjoy your new baby...she'll grow up fast!
She's so cute! How lucky you found each other.
What an absolute beauty she is! Will she be "Sam" or "Sammy" for short? Can't wait to hear about her bewitching mouse tales...
And congratulations on your lovely new blog.
Sophia Nash
Your little Samantha reminds me of my long departed calico. I just love how they look. Did you know they're also known as Halloween cats? That's why mine was named Citrouille, which means pumpkin in French.
I've had 2 other cats and a dog in the last 18 years, but have been pet free for about three months. Seeing your little ball of fur makes me want another baby too, but I've agreed to wait for a while longer before I adopt again.
Congrats on getting Samantha, I know you'll make the bestest Mama and SHE will LOVE you to pieces and you won't even notice that Buffy is a daddy's cat!
All the best,
What a cutie, and Buffy will come around, even as a older sibling, they usually adapt..lovely.
Buffy is doing much better today! She's still following Little Bit around but she's stopped hissing. And Little Bit has climbed up INSIDE the couch and is currently napping.
Sophia, I thought I'd call her "Sam", but she's so tiny and feminine that I keep calling her "Little Mantha," which actually sounds disturbingly like a praying mantis or something your massage therapist would try to adjust, like your Chakra.
We're really glad your sister didn't drown you in the tub! :)
I am so not a cat person... but she is just adorable.
Teresa said: "J Perry, it amazes me how I can look at this tiny furry little critter lying on her back in my lap and purring up a storm and feel so drunk with love for her when I didn't even know her two days ago.
I'm genuinely curious. Is that what it's like when you have a baby?"
It's a combination, Terri.
You have all that blissful drunk love, but you also contend with the terrifying realization that by having this baby, you've just essentially decided to wear all your really important organs--your heart, kidneys, liver and lungs--on the OUTSIDE of your ribs and skin.
Least that's how motherhood feels to me.
I feel vulnerable because now my happiness is tangled up in their well-being ... and their well-being is something I can't always control.
Wow J Perry, that's exactly what Liz (Bevarly) has always said. That the minute you have a child, you'll never know another moment without fear again.
Samantha is just too cute for words. I'm glad to hear Buffy is starting to come around.
My baby, the one who stole my heart and followed me home from a weekend in Charlotte when I had sworn I wasn't getting another puppy while I had my "grey lady" is now tucked under my computer desk and sweetly sleeping across my feet. I know exactly what you mean by that "drunk with love" comment.
Terri, you haven't blogged in 10 days and you already have 47 comments on this one. Are you getting the feeling that you're missed? Good, because you are!!!
Hugs, PJ
What a gorgeous little furball! Happy kitty homecoming!
Your Samantha is just so cute! You must be having so much fun with her.
We had to put our kitty of 14 years to sleep the weekend before Mother's Day. Misty (later we found out Misty was really a mister)was one of those cats that loved to be around people. We buried him by his favorite bush in our backyard. Our other kitty, TJ lays by his grave frequently. I have to admit we are thinking about getting another playmate for TJ.
Thank you for letting us see your new addition to your family!
linda (from squawkradio)
Linda, I'm so sorry you have lost your beloved Misty. (((Hugs))) to you and comforting strokes to TJ.
Thanks PJ! I miss you guys too on a daily basis but I'm doing my best to keep my head buried in the sand right now and totally immersed in the world of my book. (Well, except for my obligatory kitten breaks, of course.)
So sorry to hear about Misty, Linda! Buffy is one of the main reasons we wanted another cat. When we travel I don't want her to be alone and she's only 3 and still loves to play.
She and Samantha are making progress! Samantha is following her everywhere and bouncing on her tail and Buffy has playfully swatted at her couple of times :)
When they're ready for it, Teresa, I wanna see pics of Buffy and Samantha together.
I swear to God, even kitty poop is cute.
oh, I'm so glad that I've finally found an author who is very fond of cats as I am!
aww, Samantha is just so adorable. I have one kitty that looks exactly like that, and her name is Colour. :)
And oh - I must add that I've just read only two of your books (A Kiss to Remember and The Bride and the Beast) and I must say that you and your books are like WOAH!
it's official. your books are my latest love.
Hey J Perry, the kitty poop isn't so cute right now. I'm having to take her to the vet for some um...digestive upsets :( (I've had to bathe her twice in the past 12 hours. I'm afraid she's going to hate me!)
And thank you clara.jenn. Colour sounds enchanting too! And I'm delighted that you've discovered my books and my kitties :)
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