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    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    Ten Signs Teresa Has Finished a Book

    1) She's wearing her "I FINISHED A BOOK TODAY, WHAT DID YOU DO?" t-shirt even though it's February and 20 degrees outside

    2) Her editor and agent burst into a spontaneous rendition of the "Hallelulah Chorus", accompanied by a choir of celestial angels

    3) There's no more microwavable ravioli in the pantry

    4) Her pants don't fit anymore and she can't figure out why although she has a fuzzy memory of eating cake directly out of the pan at 1 a.m. in the morning

    5) There's a cat she doesn't recognize sitting on her bed looking at her

    6) There's a man she doesn't recognize sitting on her bed looking at her (Oh, wait, that's her husband!)

    7) Her bangs are down to her chin

    8) She locks all of her keys in the trunk of her car and doesn't care, even though the trunk latch inside the car doesn't work either

    9) Bright sunlight makes her scream, "My eyes! My eyes!"

    10) She had time to write this blog